film clip

美 [fɪlm klɪp]英 [fɪlm klɪp]
  • 影片剪辑
film clipfilm clip


a strip of motion picture film used in a telecast


  1. The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip


  2. FILM CLIP : I just said to over cook it .


  3. The film clip required almost no working memory , no concentrated effort .


  4. FILM CLIP : You talking to me ?


  5. The second film clip came from the BBC series Crimewatch and included sound as well as images .


  6. More than half the recorded cells hummed with activity in response to at least one film clip ;


  7. The first film clip was silent and showed an electrician stealing as he carried out jobs in a house .


  8. Australia 's anti-whaling film clip accuses Japan of using its scientific whaling program as a cover for commercial hunting .


  9. Turnbull narrates the film clip , which is sub-titled in Japanese .


  10. FILM CLIP : Sometimes the victim will be drowned in the sea or burned to death in a huge sacrificial bonfire .


  11. Fame seekers can use the Web to post a favorite mug shot , a film clip , or their band 's touring schedule .


  12. And as an introduction to faces I have a brief film clip from Paul Ekman , who is one of the world 's great scholars in the study of facial expressions .


  13. This is a film clip from " The Road To Hollywood " showing Bing Crosby singing " Just One More Chance " and " I Surrender Dear " .


  14. And I want to show you a brief film clip from " Scientific American " that illustrates the differences between the hemispheres , but before doing that , I want to provide some introductory facts .


  15. The present study mostly examined the impact of emotion induced by emotional film clip or pictures on behaviors , few investigate the impact of emotion induced by rewarding and punishing on behavior from the point of development .


  16. This was the decade of the whirlwind recommendation , when a song or an image , a film clip or a piece of writing could be shared instantly and praised or attacked by anyone-right here , right now .


  17. I process this film and I clip this out and I upload it and those are the behaviors of the work .


  18. By analyzing the video transitions , rhythm , sound and montage art performance of the analysis and research , summed up the different types of animation film in the clip on the application and characteristics of art .
